I was a state medalist sprinter. I actually come from a long-ish line of runners. My dad was a state medalist, my bother too, now my younger cousins are state medalist too.
I used to enjoy runner. The speed, the thrill. As a teenager I would often run down the dirt road 2 miles south of our house & back. It always cracked me up when a neighboring farmer would pull up beside me in his truck and ask if I needed a ride home. NO, I would tell them and explain that I was actually running intentionally.
My senior year of high school I had a track coach who was far from positive, and he was over weight... and could've used a little running himself. He would yell and holler and belittle... and I vowed never to run again until I wanted to... not when someone else was yelling at me to.
I started running again in 2010.... my motivation rather unique. Last spring/summer I was 35 years-old, sort of at mid-life-crisis age and a cousin 1 year older had been diagnosed with melanoma. She was training for a marathon at the time of diagnonis. Sarah kept training and ran the St. Louis Marathon last spring. What an inspiration. I realized I had to get off my tush and tap into that God given talent the Lord had blessed me with ..... and run. I was somewhat lazy with my running in the spring, tappered off too much when the kids where home in the summer... then in July, Sarah lost her battle with skin cancer & went to be with the Lord. She had been such a spunky wife, mother of two, successful business woman.... I realized I needed to live each day to the fullest, starting right then.
So I joined a new gym, hired a babysitter & Aug.1 I started running again (why a gym you ask, Indiana humidity sucks, & sucks worse when you are sucking wind).
I had a little set back last month. I was up to 6 mile runs, averaging 6.5 miles an hour, then I developed plantar fasciitis... arch & heel pain that gets worse the more you run. So I took a break in March and cut my running down from 20-30 miles per week to 5 miles. I bought new shoes and an arch brace, per my sister-physical-therapists suggestion.... and now I am back at it.
Today I am running on the treadmill at the gym. After 3 miles I slowed it down to try to run 2 miles backwards. The kindergartners I help with PE do it, something about being good for your motor skills... I have just read that it tricks your muscles. An older gentleman who is a retired farmer was on the treadmill next to me... we have become buddies during the last 8 months. He asks, "What're you runnin' backwards for?" I explain that it tricks the muscles, yada yada and he responds, "You're not that big."
I just laughed and was taken back to those days as a teen when the farmers would stop to give me a lift during my runs. Back then today's comment would have crushed me, but I am over 17 years older and wiser, tough skinned maybe....
I have grown into my own skin and realize that I am wonderfully made. The Psalmist says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalms 139:13-16
I am so thankfully for each day the Lord has given me... so thankfully that he knit me together for His specific purpose... thankful that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. No I may not be as big in size as the farmer was teasing about today, but I am BIG in spirit created by a loving God, filled with His spirit day by day!!!
this really brought a smile to my heart Becca! You have such a talent for expression. You GOOOOOOO Girl! I am so sorry to hear about your cousin but I really understand loss and feel that GOD has a purpose for taking the young and we are suppose to learn something and do something different with what we have learned:) Have a great week and keep at it:)
ReplyDeletethis is Denise (Teddy's Mom) by the way:0)