Saturday, April 16, 2011

... "going on a group date ..."

My nine year-old son has a birthday party to attend today.  The birthday boy & girl are fraternal twins in his 3rd grade class.  They have always invited the entire class for a big party.  Last year it was a swim party at their grandma's pool... this year it is a movie party.  The whole gang is going to see "Hop."  My sons have a rather unique opportunity .... they attend a Christian school with only one section of each grade.  They will spend each and every year surrounded by the same kids.  This can be good if you all "love each other."  And annoying when and individual "rubs you the wrong way."  As believers we are encouraged to be in small groups and fellowship with other believers .... being in a small, close knit community such as our school, provides that with out intention.  

When my kids interact with their classmates in non-school situations, church, soccer, scouts ... the kinship they have developed is apparent.  The girls are always "mothering" the boys, tattling their shenanigans with the love of keeping them out of danger.  The boys are always pestering, trying to get a rise out of the girls.  As a former teacher, I realize in today's society it is rare for children to spend many school years surrounded by the same individuals.... many schools having as many as 5-8 sections of each grade.  As a culture, is this generation missing out on the intimacy and social connection that many of us parents grew up with?

In loo of gift,s the birthday family asked for donations of non-perishable food to be donated to the local food bank.  What an amazing opportunity for this "small group" of third graders to experience the gift of giving at it's truest meaning.  Kids these days have bedrooms and playrooms filled with toys and video games.... how much "stuff" does one really need?  Life is full of "too much, too much-ness." Helping those in need, who are REALLY in need of a basic thing essential to survival.... food, is a very eye opening experience .... especially for nine year olds.

So my son took his "giving envelope" (10% of his weekly commission, we follow the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Jr. model) and bought bags of food.  Five boxes mac & cheese, 10 cans of veggies, 2 jars of peanut butter.  He commented that next time he is eating & feels like leaving half the plate untouched he will "think about the people who got his food donation."  This made me smile, a TRUE life lesson in giving... paying it forward.... showing others Christ's love.

In Genesis Moses narrates a "giving" story of giving for us....

Genesis 43:34 (New Living Translation)     "34 And Joseph filled their plates with food from his own table, giving Benjamin five times as much as he gave the others. So they feasted and drank freely with him."

Joseph gave food to his brothers.... freely ... the same brothers who sold him into slavery in Egypt... what a portrait of un-begrudging love.

In Matthew we are instructed to show others the love of the Lord.

Matthew 22:37-40 (New Living Translation)     37 Jesus replied, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.' ”

So my son commented that today's birthday party is a lot like a "group date."  A concept I 'm not sure where he learned of... probably some Disney or Nickelodeon sitcom that a babysitter permitted to be tuned into (we are VERY selective about what media goes into their brains).... I explained that they are too young to "date" & that it's like a jumbo playdate... in a movie theater....
At the age where crushes are developing.... in a world that encourages kids to mature much too rapidly... I am grateful that my son is growing up in a community of believers... with kids and families that truly live this Matthew 22 principle ... loving their neighbor as themselves!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Becca! Teddy was invited to a party with the same kinda gifting this month, we bought for the womans shelter:0) I guess I am a bit of a rule breaker though because he was just turning four and I bought for the shelter then bought him a gift too:( shame on me but I guess I was spoiled as a child and loved it;) But I may have to pick up the same kind of theme too for Teddy's parties! I love your writing it is so down to earth and just fun loving reading! keep up the good work.
