My husband & I were at the computer doing a little Quick Books... weekly budget meeting ....
I heard something whiz through the air & felt a foam dart hit me in the back ... I turned to see a "bandit" performing a stick up. Our 6 year-old needed a playmate .... I was headed out for a much needed run, my husband asked me that morning, "when I was going running?" ... code for: you are being grumpy & need a little "hamster on the wheel" therapy ....
So I left the two of them to find their way together for the afternoon...
When I returned home a few hours later, the truck wasn't in the garage... the guys were out on an adventure...
When they burst through the door my son narrated their afternoon for me.... they built forts with the card table & pillow ... they had a Nerf™Gun war, complete with motorcycle helmets ... they headed to McDonald's for a Happy Meal (something I never splurge for, we order off the $1 menu) .... selecting sour gummie worms at our local Chocolate Shoppe... riding in the front seat of the truck....
... but his favorite part of the day was their stop by the public library ... they picked out "free" movies to rent... played checkers... and then my husband taught him to play chess... our youngest LOVED having his dad all to himself... even if it was only for a few hours...
In Proverbs 10 Solomon enlightens us on child rearing... Proverbs 10: 1 "A wise child brings joy to a father ..."
As parents we don't have to spend money on our kids to create joy ... we don't have to take them to exciting places ... all they really want is to hang out with us ... to spend time with us ... playing games, breaking bread ... the act of fellow-shipping with our offspring .... they want to consume the currency of our time.

I am always rushing my boys ... brush your teeth, comb your hair, put on your shoes & socks, grab your backpack ... eat your snack... practice the piano... do your homework... read your book... practice site words... change into your karate suit .... the list of nags goes on and on in my head...
Watching my husband & son yesterday has made me realize that this week I'm going to schedule a "date" with one of my boys ... maybe we will trade off weeks, alternating turns ... just to spend a little one on one time together ...
Becca...I can't tell you how much I love reading your blog! I am learning so much about you and it's awesome :)