Sunday, June 5, 2011

..."most important things, are not things..."

A friend and I saw this sign on a spiritual outing...

"The most important things in life... are not things."

While we were vacationing in America's West... the Rockies... a violent storm rolled through our town & surrounding country side.

You can take the girl out of Kansas, but you can't take the Kansas out of the girl.... I grew up with many tornado warnings in the spring and summer...

I cried hysterically one spring evening.... I had to have been about 10 years old... my mom, sister & I were hunkered down in our basement... my cat had just had a spring liter of kittens, they were hunkered down in their box next to me...  My dad was not hunkered down with us... he was out storm chasing with his Cannon camera, trying to get a great 'shot'.... So todays news startled me...

Our Auntie and Uncle texted to report the violent storm... & later called with a report on our yard, and that the exterior of the house was in tack.  After the text I asked our neighbor boy to take a peak inside... all was well.

A dear friend of mine called my cell... "We are in your driveway right now... to check and make sure your home is okay."

This type of loyalty and concern, shown by our family and friends... as we were 2000 miles away... is what life is all about.  Everyone had their own worries and concerns, property to check on... and these 'true & constant' people made us one of their concerns to check off the list.

IF.... the house had been gone... the yard torn up... the truck left idle for a week, smashed....

It would have been okay.... all was well, but the important thing is that those we love are unharmed...

But really things are not important ... things are replaceable.... homes, trees, flowers... all replaceable...

"A fool relies on earthly treasures ..." Jeremiah 49:4,16 - paraphrased from the Message

Our former youth pastor used to say, "Keep the main THING, the MAIN THING."

That main thing was .. and is .. and always will be.... the Lord, Jesus our Savior.

Even above our families, the Lord should be our number one....

So, are you keeping the Lord as your main 'THING'? ... was this storm a 'priority check'?

I am so thankful that all those I love and care for are safe.  Lord, thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on all of us. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head Becca. That you for pointing out the things, the ONE that we should remember to be thankful for. Keep having a great trip!
