Friday, January 27, 2012


The Lord has been at work in my life... I don't know where to begin.

As I have shared in past tales, our 1st grader has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder - SPD (formerly called Sensory Integration).  It is a neurological dysfunction where the neurotransmitters do not correctly send and receive the brain messages, resulting in inappropriate responses to his surroundings.... quirky behavior at times of stress, chaos, over-stimulation.
At school is appears to be about to explode out of his skin... fidgeting, moving, spouting out what ever comes to his mind.
At home he is calm, low registration, as his physician a occupational therapist describe. He can read National Geographic, Lego, listen to Harry Potter novels calmly... for hours on end.

We are going through the long (waiting process) of an evaluation by the LEND Program at Riley Children's Hospital, the top program in the nation for social dysfunctions.

We are praying for the Lords guidance as to what is best for our dear-sweet-uber-intelligent boy.  It seems as though he and his brain may not be cut out for the cookie cutter education America has grown accustomed to in the past 100 years.  This is hard for me, a former Kansas Teacher of the Year Nominee, who strove to bring eccentric differentiated (leveled) hands-on learning into my classroom.  We have watched God's plan for our son's life unfold... being called to Christian education for be surrounded and loved by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. His former pre-school teacher telling me once (while he was actually in utero), "Sometimes there isn't enough play dough for some kids."
Having a kindergarten teacher who attended a conference on SPD and first introduced the disorder to our family... having 1st grade teachers who have known him since he was born & worked closely with the kindergarten teacher to meet him and love him"where he is at."

Today is day 101 in 1st grade at school. The children dressed as dalmatians, donning black & while.  They individually created projects out of 101 black & white objects.  We had to carry the project , a NASA command center, into school this morning.  It was so fun to see all of the projects; help a boy re-build after his project crumbled in his backpack; ask about their construction process.

This morning the whole school was starting the day with a chapel service. My 1st grader asked, "Mom, would you like to join us at chapel?"

So I tagged along in my gray velour sweat suit, sat on the floor Indian style between two 1st graders.  The chapel began with singing lead by Covenant Christian High School students (a few babysitters that watch the fellers). Then the message was given by a CCHS senior about being different.  She was born in South Korea & due to an infection as an infant, has hip & pelvic dysplasia. She was adopted by a DeMotte family, and shared how the Lords plan for her life has unfolded.

She shared that we have to take the differences in how the Lord uniquely created each of us and use it for His glory.  She asked the students what they wanted to be "when they grew up" (I didn't raise my hand, I'm still figuring it out).  She brought the mic to my little fellers face and he replied, "An engineer."

What followed was a flood of joyful, fearful tears down my cheeks.  For the Lord knew I needed to be present at chapel today... To let Kim's story be used for His glory for our families ears to hear. My 1st grader whispered in my ear, "Why are you crying Mom?" "Because God has blessed me," I replied.

"Please stop crying," he pleaded. Boys will be boys.

The kindergarten teacher approached us after chapel had concluded... embraced me in a hug, hugged my son & told him how proud she is of him and his dream to be an engineer.

There are many other parts to this tale...
other ways the Lord has spoken to me through His gospel...
through my small group study of Bartamaeus ...
through other mothers He has placed in my life to be my sounding board ...
.... but those are tales for another day.

Kim ended her testimony with a passage from the New Testament....

1 Thessalonians 5

New International Version (NIV)
"16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

Words of wisdom from God's word... shared today by a teenager... the Lord uses all of us, the meek, the weak, the quirky, the crazy... for His glory.

Rejoice... pray... give thanks... 

In the words of John Ortberg, "Everybody's normal, until you get to know them."


  1. I love how you are able to see God's goodness, even in the "little" moments. VERY inspiring my friend.

  2. Oh my, goodness, Becca! This just brought tears to my awesome <3
